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Volunteer Sign Up

Volunteer Sign Up

To sign up for a BEAM Booster Club Activity, please complete this form, print it out, and send to the BEAM office, 1247 NE 167th Street, North Miami Beach FL 33162.  There is a separate page for BEAM Membership Dues.

Check as many as you like!

I am interested in volunteering for:

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

Publicity Committee: Publicizing the accomplishments of current and former BEAM students, e.g.
    Press coverage in community media
In-school, website and student-couriered home announcements
         Organizing student presentations at feeder-school recruitment events

Fundraising Committee: Raising money to support education-enhancing field trips and other activities, e.g.
Collecting BEAM Parent Booster Club dues
     Sales of BEAM logo items
Renting BEAM stoles for graduation ceremony
     Soliciting donations from local businesses and other organizations

Event Committee: Hosting events that provide opportunities for students and their families to interact, bond, and otherwise enhance their feelings of connectedness with the BEAM “family,” e.g.
Back to School Night (October)
     Back to BEAM Night, featuring student exhibits (December)

Family Support Committee:
        Mentoring program for families of incoming students
Assistance with college-admission forms, especially financial aid forms

Student Support Committee:
        Recruiting field trip chaperones

Recruiting science professionals, such as parents, family members,
        former students or community members, to give classroom

Family Member of Student Name  
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Send mail to eozrovitz@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: August 03, 2003