Dr. Gottfried's Home Page

This page will no longer be used for my classes.

To access those pages go to http://www.mdgottfried.net

Russia pictures

Table of Contents 

Book-Movie Group

General Biography

A recipe for Mango Nut Bread

A research paper written in 1972 about the battle of Kosovo (1389). Strangely relevant. This material became part of a US Army Lieutenant's presentation on Serbian history. Please be aware that this was written 30 years ago by a 16 year old. 

Drinking and Driving....Obviously I'm against it. A recent email reminded me how terrible the consequences can be. Follow these links only if you have a strong stomach.

Poster   http://www.helpjacqui.com/images/illustrations/jacqui_poster.jpg

True story http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/adults/saburido.htm 

Her pages http://www.helpjacqui.com/home.htm and related links.


If you encounter a dead link please let me know so I can fix it. 


Feedback...if you want to tell me something, and don't really want to say it to my face use the feedback form. Although it asks for your name, you can leave that blank... NOTE: If you want to ask me a question you need to send email directly to me (not through feedback) or include your name. I can not answer anonymous feedbacks...I don't know who sent them.

Response to feedback...I get to have my 2 cents back....

get this gear!


This page, like everything I do, is constantly subject to revision.

Email: mgottfried@dadeschools.net